Valeria Bejarano Salcedo
Author of 2 CRAN packages
Valeria Bejarano Salcedo has worked on 2 packages so far. Two's company, but it looks like Valeria Bejarano Salcedo is just getting warmed up! Valeria Bejarano Salcedo collaborated with 13 other developers. That's like an entire class of coding geniuses coming together!
2 Packages
- Andrey Duvan Rincon Torres
- Sergio Alejandro Calderon Villanueva
- Martha Patricia Bohorquez Castañeda
- Diego Alejandro Sandoval Skinner
- Angie Villamil
- Samuel Hernando Sanchez Gutierrez
- Nathaly Vergel Serrano
- Miguel Angel Munoz Layton
- Venus Celeste Puertas
- Ruben Dario Guevara Gonzalez
- Joan Nicolas Castro Cortes
- Ramon Giraldo Henao
- Jorge Mateu